Hey Partiposter, ready to embark on your first campaign? Here’s how to navigate your way around our app like a pro! Before we start, ensure you’ve created and verified your account with us, and input the relevant social media details (e.g. username and follower count) in your profile.
Browse campaigns and join as many as you like
No limits, no strings attached.
Private campaigns: Accessible via “Invitations” at the top left corner, before scrolling down.
Check this tab frequently for exclusive campaign invites!
Upcoming campaigns: Tap on “Upcoming” at the top left corner of the “Campaigns” tab.
Changed your mind after completing the first task? Withdraw from campaigns via the “Partiposts” tab to stop receiving reminders for incomplete tasks.
Follow the brief and submit your content
Create content according to each task in the brief.

After noting down important deadlines, tap “Start Partiposting” to access “Tasks” for more details. View individual tasks by tapping into each step. Hit “Complete Step" and/or “Submit” at the bottom when you’re ready to proceed further.
Do note that all campaign submissions require approval, unless stated otherwise. Please give brands at least 7 working days to review your content.
Posts: Submit photos and captions separately. Include hashtags in your caption.
IG stories: Submit your draft as a screenshot. Include caption, hashtags and tags in the story.
TIP: Upload a photo of your receipt once you’ve made your purchase, and submit your content as soon as you’ve created them to avoid delays in your approval process.
Head over to the "Partiposts" tab to access ongoing and completed campaigns no longer on the main "Campaigns" page.
Post approved content on Instagram
Upload the approved content online within the stipulated time frame, in the given format.

Posts: After posting your content online, tap “Complete Step” under Step 2 in the Partipost app before the deadline. Next, copy and paste the post link under Step 3 in the Partipost app, and hit “Submit” to complete your submission. This facilitates tracking so that you get the right amount of payout.
IG stories: Take a screenshot of the story 24 hours after posting it. Ensure that the view count and the timestamp is clearly seen.
TIP: Post your content (caption, actual images/videos and their placement) according to the arrangement approved by the brand. If your IG post caption has been edited by the brand, tap the COPY button during the posting step (Step 2) and paste it directly on IG.
Wait for your payout
Sit back and watch your money grow.

Payout will be credited into your Partipost wallet after the campaign ends. View and withdraw your total earnings under the last tab, “Me”. The money will be credited to your linked bank account.
Do note that there will be a 5% transaction fee for each withdrawal.
If you wish to view campaigns that have ended, or aren’t on the “Campaigns” tab anymore, simply tap the “Partiposts” tab.
For more tips on Partiposting, follow us on Instagram. If you have any questions, please write in to us at info@partipost.com.