Partipost for Marketing Agencies

Maximize your agency's impact with Partipost's influencer solutions.

Drive your agency's success with Partipost's comprehensive influencer marketing platform and expert support.

The number of startups who have used Partipost as part of their marketing campaigns
The average ROI that the startups have been able to achieve each time they launch a campaign with us

We know how it feels to be a marketing agency!

Finding the right influencers for your clients is a challenge in itself

Spend hours to research, filter and select the right influencers who align with your brand values and goals in the crowded influencer space.

Difficulty in managing clients' campaigns

Switching between multiple platforms to manage the campaigns for your clients is time-consuming and messy with bits of data in different places.

Manual tracking and analytics

Spending too much time on manual tracking, analytics, and data visualisation for your clients’ reports.

How can we help?

Why choose Partipost for your clients' marketing needs?

We understand the challenges and difficulties marketing agencies are facing. We are passionate to help you solve and launch influencer campaigns for your clients in the easiest and most effective way.

Create, launch, and select in a few clicks

Our platform saves you from hours of researching. With Partipost, find the right influencers for your clients across multiple industries and countries in just a few clicks.

Manage all client campaigns in one place

Partipost helps you streamline the management process and make it easier for your regular tracking. With a centralized dashboard, you can see all current and past campaigns, view organized performance data and analytics, and make informed decisions about future marketing strategies. Partipost saves you from the time and resources of switching between different platforms or tools to access different data.

Data analytics

Whether you're looking to measure reach, engagement, or any other key performance indicators, we provide the insights you need to optimize all client campaigns and drive better results. You'll be able to quickly and easily identify trends and patterns, spot opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions for your clients.

Generate report of campaign performance

Say goodbye to manual reports. With Partipost, you are able to view campaign reports to evaluate your campaign performance. Based on the data analysis, get actionable insights and recommendations to improve future campaign performance.

Inspiring Business Stories

We have a few success stories to share with you

Case Studies


Partiposters have to share about BliBli's event, Sahabat Ibu Pintar 2nd Anniversary, and encourage their followers to check it out.

Case Studies



Case Studies


Partiposters have to share the product’s USP and usage via Xiao Hong Shu (XHS) with their followers

Case Studies


Corona 啤酒一直以來秉持著「This is Living」的品牌精神,搭上社群上這股chill風潮的順風車,透過與5位戶外型人選以品牌大使的模式合作,圖文不需刻意拍攝或提及產品,而是以自然真實的方式融入貼文中,更強調呈現出與朋友家人相聚、戶外活動後的歡愉時光,緊密結合品牌精神與大使們的風格,精準切入戶外活動的族群,長期高頻曝光及生動的內容,引起粉絲正面迴響,貼文平均互動數達到1,000以上。

Partipost has been the perfect solution for our brand's influencer marketing needs. The platform has made it easy for us to find and collaborate with micro-influencers who are a perfect fit for our brand. We highly recommend Partipost to any brand looking to take their influencer marketing efforts to the next level.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Before you jump in, there might be a few questions that you need some answers for.

What is Partipost?

Partipost is an influencer marketing platform that connects brands with everyday people and influencers by empowering them to share about the brands they love.

What service can Partipost provide for my brand?

With Partipost, you can

  • Run influencer marketing campaigns at scale and with speed
  • Collect, review and approve influencer content all in one platform
  • Run campaigns that can help you achieve your KPIs
  • Build brand trust with authentic influencer profiles
Can my brand create a campaign on Partipost App?


You can go to “Request a demo” and answer a few questions to let us know you better and we will contact you as soon as possible!

Can I find a large number of nano-influencers to promote my brand products withing the time limit?


Partipost has a network of over 900,000 influencers and a platform which allows for you to run campaigns across 8 markets concurrently. Once the campaign is launched, influencers who're keen on your brand/product/service can instantly participate in the campaign.

Can I check the progress and actual results of brand activities by myself?


With Partipost's Campaign Manager, you're able to check the progress of the campaign at any time, by yourself.

Ready to supercharge your marketing journey?

Don't wait any longer to reach your full potential – click the button and get ready to grow today!